Saturday, 31 August 2013

FunkyT - If you kiss her mind, her body will follow

No truer statement can be said when it comes to the essence of relationship building. The aptly designed FunkyT shirt, ‘if you kiss her mind, her body will follow, sets the tone for the subject many still don’t seem to understand or appreciate its true value and the flourishing rewards that can come with it.

The man has always been seen as the fighter, gatherer, protector, the hunter and although not always the case, the woman, the recluse bedrock supporting mechanism.
The t-shirt statement derives from what some men seem to be misunderstanding. In order to fulfill himself as well her, the man must kiss the mind and embrace it fully.

The saying goes ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’, for women, it is truly through the mind. Kissing a woman’s mind is more important than the physical essence and or attributes of contact at first.

“Our lips are the body’s most exposed erogenous zone. A passionate kiss causes our blood vessels to dilate as the brain receives more oxygen than normal. Our cheeks flush, our pulse quickens, and breathing becomes irregular and deepens. Our pupils dilate, which may be the reason so many of us close our eyes”. Sheril Kirshenbaum Centre for International Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Texas Austin

With that said, your lips must kiss the mind, intrigue the mind, excite, nurture, caress and ultimately build the mind to want more and need more. Understand that although it is said men are from Mars and women are from Venus, if you have the right ship, time and distance, your journey will be more fruitful.

How does a kiss work? It acts like a drug by stimulating the natural chemicals in our bodies. When there’s real “chemistry” between two people, the right kiss can spark the magic of true romance by triggering a cocktail of hormones and neurotransmitters to course through our brains and bodies.

Essentially the physical action of a kiss and the factors it causes the body to go through one must apply when serenading a woman. The words you use will have ramifications longer lasting than you think, your words will ultimately open up the deeper layers of a woman’s mind, adding to your mystique but yet as a man gaining you respect that the average man doesn’t see as vital. There is a big difference between attention and respect, ‘boys seek attention, men demand respect’, so kiss her mind, verbally and literally, cater to her and ensure you arouse her mind as in time her body will follow.

image: not the property of funkyt
Remember fellas: The inner thoughts of a female mind are delicate. t-shirts for him and her

tshirt modeled by Paola Barrago